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tv   ABC 7 News at 600  ABC  October 5, 2010 6:00pm-6:30pm EDT

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made a series of arrests against suspected islamic militant networks. three of them and our record -- reported to have worked with the times square bomber. >> plenty of activity on this one today, and as you mentioned, he rather defined faisal shahzad, saying that he would do it again 1000 times over. he also said that the war for the muslims has just begun and that the defeat of the u.s. is imminent. all of this comes at a very tense time on the heels of this threat. >> as security was beefed up today, both overseas and in the u.s., law enforcement was also on the offensive. today, 12 arrests in france, a roundup of suspected islamic militants. that just a day after a u.s. drawn attack killed at least five, also possibly connected to
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this latest threat. while the plot allegedly was to be carried out at european airports and tourist attractions, prompting a rare travel warning for u.s. citizens, they see it there is also a legitimate concern here at home. >> there's nothing to say that it could not also include the u.s. on that list of attacks. >> amtrak will be holding a security exercise that they called real safe -- rail safe. it will mean extra officers along the most popular routes. in the meantime, janet nepolitano -- >> say something to local authorities. >> and this video is being issued to hotels, malls and marinez, teaching them what to look for and how to respond. -- and arenas, teaching them what to look for and how to
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respond. >> it is unclear if this plot has been thwarted or not. intelligence officials do say the suspects, mostly german citizens, had been attending this same mosque as mohammad aqsa, the mastermind behind 9/11. -- mohammad atta, the mastermind behind 9/11. >> faisal shahzad called himself a muslim soldier when he pleaded guilty to packing a car with explosives in the middle of times square. that bomb never went off. he became a naturalized citizen must year. when asked if he had sworn allegiance to the u.s. when he became a said it -- a system last year he said, "i did swear, but i did not mean it. -- did not mean it." and >> there are many people that believe they are living in a cancer cluster despite the maryland health department's report to the opposite.
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>> there are three houses in a row where the women died. those three women are not included in their study. because their study starts in the year 2000 and these women all the idea -- prior to that time. -- all died prior to that time. >> they believe that chemicals dumped decades ago caused many of the neighbors to get sick. researchers say it mimics the cancer rate elsewhere in maryland. >> police arrested 28-year-old jose ortiz last night. he's accused of shooting 28- year-old richard gonzalez last november. he is being held without bond. >> four weeks and counting until the midterm elections. republicans are still in the driver's seat by a comfortable
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margin. but democrats, according to the poll, are narrowing the gap. abc news shows polls favor the republicans 49%, compared to 53% a month ago. >> it does not look as bad for democrats as it did a month ago. but it is clear that republicans still have a definite advantage. >> but there some reason to hope for the democrats. a new poll shows that americans do believe the economy is improving. support for the tea party in this poll is dropping. in july, 30% of americans said they could support a tea party candidate and now the number has dropped to 18%. >> some straight talk tonight from khristine o'donnell. she is taking on the controversy over witchcraft.
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>> with exactly a month it -- until voters cast their ballots, christine o'donnell is hoping there's something magic about the launch of her first and controversial tv campaign ad. >> candidates for political office a lot of things. denying you are a which is usually not one of them. >> i am not a witch. i am nothing you have heard. i am new. >> in her ad, she is responding to a 1999 tv clip, now being replayed by tv host bill amar in which o'donnell said -- bill maher in which o'donnell said as a teenager that she dabbled in witchcraft. >> this will get people talking. >> it most certainly does. >> explained "you" before you say "i and you." -- "i am you." >> o'donnell is also trying to
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capitalize on her capitalistic approach. >> i will go to washington and do what you do. >> the question is, will this boost her numbers? she has been losing ground since june tour competitor, democrat chris curan. >> -- to her competitor, democrat chris kuhn. >> khristine o'donnell has appeared on bill maher's show at least 22 times. he said he will continue playing the eclipse until she agreed to come back on the show. >> president obama wants community colleges to pass a tough new test. how it could impact your family. >> and disaster in the gulf. the new worry tonight over who is getting relief money. >> get in and drive away, why these new tack -- high-tech cars
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are going the distance. >> still a little chilly out there, but if you like warm temperatures and a sunny there, but if you like warm temperatures and a sunny four years ago, bob ehrlich got fired as governor of maryland. for good reason. first, he protected tax loopholes for giant cable cable companies. then, he let utilities jack up our rates 72%. and for the last four years, he worked as a hired gun for big
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corporations, even a bank that took billions from a taxpayer funded bailout. ehrlich sides with corporate executives again and again and again tell bob ehrlich big banks and billionares don't need help. middle class marylanders do. two governors, two different approaches. even in good times bob ehrlich didn't make education a priority. he increased college tuition by 40%, cut school construction by $200 million, and ehrlich voted to eliminate the department of education while serving in congress. but in the toughest of times, martin o'malley has made record investments in public schools, new school construction, and o'malley froze college tuition four years in a row. with martin o'malley, our children always come first.
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>> you are watching abc7 news at 6:00 p.m. with gordon peterson, maureen bunyan, chief meteorologist doug hill whether
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and tim brant's sports. this is abc7 news at 6:00 p.m. on your side. >> the fund to compensate the victims of the oil spill in the gulf is running into bogus claims. big problems there. the head of the $20 billion bp fund has -- said he has been overwhelmed by over inflated claims and outright fraud. -- thend is killing off fund is doling out money to people whose livelihoods were affected by the oil spill in the gulf. hundreds of homeowners in virginia are struggling to pay their mortgages. the government will provide emergency loans if there averred -- underemployed, unemployed, or have a medical condition. the borrower must be at least three months behind on mortgage and have lost at least 15% of their income to be eligible.
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>> new at 6:00 p.m., the washington national opera has named a new music director. philip acquaint joined the opera full-time affectively -- effective immediately. he will direct the opera's new production of salome beginning on thursday. a group of researchers showed off a plug in hybrid electric car. this is from the university of delaware's research, working to create carbon free options for cars. a coalition sponsored a demonstration. >> still to come, cool and cloudy across the region. when we return, the complete forecast. >> and northern virginia community college is now on the radar of the president of the
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united states. >> the packers are coming to town and i have the latest on clinton portis for you. and wait till you cure what mike shanahan has to say about albert haynesworth. ♪ let's take a look at the stats. mini has more than double the fiber and whole grain... making him a great contender in this bout... against mid-morning hunger. honey nut cheerios is coming in a little short. you've got more whole grain in youlittle finger! let's get ready for breakfaaaaaaaaaast! ( ding, cheering, ringing ) keeping you full and focused with more than double the fiber and whole grain... in every tasty bite -- frrrrrrosted mini-wheeeeats! didn't know i had it in me.
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>> president obama makes a more intense push to get americans to use the country's community colleges. >> dr. jill biden was at north carolina community college. >> professor jill biden joined the president of the united states in praising the work of community colleges, pushing them to do more, but also criticizing the republican plan to cut funding. >> if not for community college, demetrius says he may never have gone to college at all. >> i plan on going to me since to get my bachelor's in biology. >> community college is among white president obama calls the unsung heroes for college education. could they not get the resources and recognition as other schools, but they provide a way for millions of americans to get good jobs and a better life.
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>> they opened up to 1200 schools and challenge them to produce an additional 25 undergraduates by 2020. >> -- 2500 graduates by 2020. between 2007 and 2009, community colleges found a 17% rise in that mission. the down economy also pushed families to look at trinity colleges as a way to save on tuition. the president -- as a way to look at community colleges as a way to save on tuition. >> it can affect a lot of the students. >> the gap and mcdonald's announced a partnership with canada colleges and the bill and melinda gates foundation launched a $35 million program and helping boost graduation rates at community colleges as well.
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reporting live in and then deal virginia caroline lyders, abc news. >> thanks, caroline. >> there is definitely a chill in the air. what ist a look at happening on their rooftops right now. it is pretty cloudy over the area. as we head through the night and today to tomorrow we will definitely start to improve through the end of the week. >> 56 degrees in bethesda. 60 degrees at the laurel heights clinics. the high and low today were well below the averages. tomorrow looks like it will be 63 again. that will be four consecutive days with below that normal -- below the normal temperatures. it warm-up is on the way by the
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end of the week and we can for sure. 56 in marshall right now. the entire middle atlantic is very cool because of a persistent area of low pressure that has been sitting and standing for a couple of days. 56 degrees in it will expert right now. there is warm air right now starting to build, but it is not impressive. definitely compare the low 70's to the upper 70's -- upper 50's and you see the change. an area of low pressure came on shore across new jersey today. and another low pressure area of the west virginia ohio border. -- the west virginia/ohio border. tomorrow, this system is going to move back to the east. as it does, showers will pass in the afternoon. still kind of cool temperatures, but once it leaves skies will be
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clearing. high pressure will move into the day on thursday and friday. if you like warm days, lots of sunshine and clear cool nights, that is our forecast. tomorrow in the 40's in the suburbs. then the high pressure builds in. partly sunny skies thursday. it mostly sunny saturday and 75. mid 70's for more -- and more sunshine for monday and tuesday. >> what is the story on clinton portis? >> it is not good. i think he has been battling injuries. portis said on the radio today that he did not think that these
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kids would play him against the packers this week, and that is huge. ryan terrain will handle the bulk of the careys, but he is not as solid in the past game. he played about 30 plays in philadelphia and he graded out very high after the coaches evaluated the game video. >> i thought it was very -- by far albert's best game since i have been here. there were a couple of holding calls against him, which were the difference makers of the game. the more he plays like that, the more he will play. >> it sounds like those two are starting to make up. meanwhile, donnie mac talks about the progress being made in his contract negotiations. you will not want to miss the very latest on tbd at 8:30 p.m. the patriots beat miami 41-14 and it was a highlight film from
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patrick chone out of oregon. he blocked a punt. he blocked a field goal. a big night for patrick trang. -- patrick chung. the wizards open the preseason at dallas tonight. it is the first real look we will get at john wall and the veterans. he has been at all of the summer leagues and open practices and now he will be able to play with the big boys. >> [unintelligible] >> john wall. earlier today i was with ted leonsis and he will be the most interested spectator tonight watching his new superstar in the backcourt. >> a very gifted player with great physicality. he has off the chart basketball iq.
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he is very passionate and is a nice young man. it is our first preseason game and it is a long season. he's a very young man, but i am really happy that we will get a chance to reactivate the passion of the fan base around a great young players like john walz. >> he's got the kappes and the wizards and they are all starting right now. brian roberts says he knocked himself out of the lineup, literally. he missed the last six games of the season after yet himself and the head with a bat. after he struck out he was upset and he himself and the head with a bat. -- he hit himself in the head with a bat. >> how do you pick yourself in the head with a bat? >> like this. [laughter] it is starting to hurt. anyway, allegations of security lapses are plaguing the capital visiting center. andy, what are you a hearing?
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>> according to the rational testimony and interviews, people who tour the visitors center may be exposed to several health risks ranging from life on headsets to a delayed medical attention on weekends. headsets to a delayed medical attention on weekends.
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pnc. for the achiever in us all. ♪ >> george washington's whiskey was a hit.
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now some distillers our way to try to make washington's peach brandy. a distillery will try to remake the peach brandy that the president used to make. this is the same group that made right whiskey -- made rye whiskey from the president's original recipe. the bottles sold out in just two hours. >> a little brandy for the father of our nation. interesting. we are tracking a storm center over pennsylvania. it is keeping most of the brain across western pennsylvania. as this systems move -- as the system moves off the east tomorrow, we will see an improvement in our weather. a few showers tomorrow and in central and returns on thursday and a holiday weekend looks great. sunny, warm days and clear, cool nights. >> what more could we ask for? captioned by the national captioning institute
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four years ago, bob ehrlich got fired as governor of maryland. for good reason. first, he protected tax loopholes for giant cable cable companies.
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then, he let utilities jack up our rates 72%. and for the last four years, he worked as a hired gun for big corporations, even a bank that took billions from a taxpayer funded bailout. ehrlich sides with corporate executives again and again and again tell bob ehrlich big banks and billionares don't need help. middle class marylanders do. [ male announcer ] are pixilated pictes, frozen images and weather-related glitches part of your regular tv schedule?
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